Deep Learning Meet the women advancing AI: Women in Machine Intelligence Dinner There are an increasing number of female entrepreneurs in technology with CEO’s and COO’s like Sheryl Sandberg of Facebook, and Susan Wojcicki of Youtube leading the way, but it isn’t...
Deep Learning The Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Retail Despite constant concern that technology is eliminating the need for human interaction in daily life, high street shopping is still very much alive. Companies like Amazon may be without physical stores but the...
Deep Learning Summit AI Assistants: in the news: what have you missed? Whilst a new study carried out by Verto Analytics revealed that phone based virtual assistants saw declines in terms of monthly users, it would appear that those which cater to home devices grew....
Deep Learning Google DeepMind's Avatar Learns to Walk Google DeepMind, the ‘world leader in artificial intelligence research and its application for positive impact’, have created a AI that has learned to walk without any prior guidance. The figure moves through virtual...
Deep Learning Can a computer compose 'good' music? It's time to create a promo video for your company. You’ve shot the footage, it’s been edited together, and now all that’s missing is the music. You know what you’...
Machine Learning RE•WORK: 6 Month Highlights It’s been a busy 6 months here at RE•WORK! We kicked off the new year by hosting our third annual San Francisco Deep Learning Summit in January to our largest ever...
Deep Learning Should your business be using deep learning? Ever popular in the media the terms artificial intelligence, deep learning and machine intelligence are constantly popping up. The first thing we tend to think of are the big names in tech like...
Deep Learning Why is real world object recognition so challenging? As humans, we are able to understand and perceive the real world instinctively with our senses. When we think about the future of AI, we expect it to be able to recognise objects...
Deep Learning Looking back at expert interviews - Which tech advances have come to fruition? Since the start of 2017, RE•WORK has had the pleasure to continue hosting the Deep Learning Series and Machine Intelligence Summits around the world.San Francisco, London, Singapore, Boston and Amsterdam are...
Deep Learning Reflecting on the first half of 2017 Over the last 6 months, I have had the pleasure of being at most events and meeting some extraordinary people. As an intern, I have been exposed to so many more things than...
Deep Learning NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Workshop: What I Learnt To be a market leader in any industry it’s important to stay ahead of the curveball not only with your competitors, but also with the latest trends and cutting edge technologies. This...
Deep Learning Discover the Newest Breakthroughs in Deep Learning & Virtual Assistants The Deep Learning Summit London and the Virtual Assistant Summit London will be continuing the RE•WORK Global Summit Series this September 21 & 22. This two track event will bring together the...
Deep Learning Applying Machine Learning To Translate Sign Language Into Speech And Text London Tech Week showcased the diversity of technology research and production in the capital. From the ‘real-life Iron Man’ with his jet powered suit, to pioneering research in deep learning, some of the...
Machine Learning From Safety to Practicality: Where is the Future of Autonomous Vehicles Headed? Back at the Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit in Amsterdam, today’s compere Julie Choo kicked off the session by asking the room a question:‘Who caught an uber to the event...
Deep Learning The Next Generation of Machine Intelligence With billions of dollars being invested in AI we're routinely finding these technologies in our everyday lives in smartphones, cars, household appliances, and in our finances. At the Machine Intelligence Summit in Amsterdam...
Machine Learning Creating High-capacity Ride-Sharing With Autonomous Transportation Image source: UberRide-sharing services are transforming urban mobility by providing timely and convenient transportation to anybody, anywhere, and anytime. Thanks to the global popularity of apps like Lyft and Uber, there are now...
Deep Learning How Can Machine Learning Make You Fitter and Healthier? As a society, we are increasingly focused on health and wellbeing with influences from the media and professionals ever present. This has prompted a huge rise in wearable technologies as a method of...
Machine Learning Behind the Scenes: 1 Week Until the Machine Intelligence Summit Amsterdam Following on from our hugely successful Machine Intelligence Summit and Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit in San Francisco earlier this year, the RE•WORK team are in the final stages of preparation...
Augmented Reality Is Augmented Reality Transforming The Way We Interact With The World? Whilst the term ‘augmented reality’ (AR) was coined in the 90s by Boeing researcher Tom Caudell, it’s emergence in customer facing products is still relatively new. Over the past year, numerous smartphone...
Deep Learning Deep Learning Glossary: Part 2 Artificial intelligence is changing our world, and deep learning is a crucial part in attaining this. Deep learning is considered a branch of Machine Learning, with the aim of moving machine learning closer...
Deep Learning Super Early Bird Ending: Global Deep Learning Summit Series, San Francisco As our Global Deep Learning Summit Series draws closer, we’re casting forward to the three track event in San Francisco in January 25 & 26. The 4th annual San Francisco Deep Learning...
Space Women in Tech: National Science Foundation Director France Córdova We interview leading women in STEM to learn more about how we can all work to make science and technology industries more inclusive. How can more women be encouraged to work in these...
Deep Learning Applying Blockchain Technology to Autonomous Vehicles As part of a five year collaboration project, Toyota Research are working with MIT’s Media Lab to build and analyse new deep-learning based perception and motion based planning technologies for autonomous vehicles....
Deep Learning Deep Learning Glossary: Part 1 Deep learning is being applied extensively within all the tools that we use in everyday life, mobile phones, computers and even coffee machines. Therefore it is important to understand how the technology works....
Machine Learning Meet Machine Intelligence & Autonomous Vehicles Experts in Amsterdam: Ticket Giveaway Our last events before the summer Machine Intelligence Summit, and Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit are almost upon us, and we are please to be able to offer the chance of winning...