Deep Learning Top 10 Topics Not To Be Missed at the Machine Intelligence Summit The artificial intelligence market is growing rapidly, and companies are now looking to invest in technologies that can help them gain a competitive edge in business. What are the latest breakthroughs in machine...
Deep Learning Extracting Customer Insights with Machine Learning In its relatively short lifetime, Airbnb has had over 100 million guests, with over 40 million of those occurring in the past year. Naturally, this exponential growth is a challenge to deal with...
Neural Networks Predicting Future Human Behavior With Deep Learning Carl Vondrick is a doctoral candidate and researcher at MIT, where he studies computer vision and machine learning. His research focuses include leveraging large-scale data with minimal annotation and its applications to predictive...
Deep Learning The Evolution of NLP: Natural Language Understanding Despite recent advances in AI, a deep understanding of natural language by machines still remains highly challenging. Antoine Bordes, Research Scientist at Facebook Artificial Intelligence Research (FAIR), is working to change this with...
Deep Learning Facebook AI Research: Learning Physical Intuition by Example Adam Lerer is Research Engineer at Facebook AI Research, where he works on distributed neural network training, computer vision, visual common sense, and graph embeddings. Prior to joining Facebook, Adam worked at D....
Machine Learning Exploring AI & Machine Intelligence With Google, Facebook, MIT & More Following the success of the inaugural RE•WORK Machine Intelligence Summit in Berlin, the summit is now coming to New York!On 2-3 November, over 200 attendees will come together in New York...
Deep Learning Recap: Videos From the Machine Intelligence Summit On 29-30 June in Berlin, we held the RE•WORK Machine Intelligence Summit, bringing together industry leaders, influential technologists, academic researchers, data scientists and founders for two days of discussions sharing best practices...
Deep Learning Should We Be Rethinking Unsupervised Learning? Supervised learning is the machine learning task of inferring a function from labeled training data. The training data consist of a set of training examples.Unsupervised learning is a type of machine learning...
Humanoid Robots Robots Need "Common Sense" A.I. to Work in Our Uncertain World Jeremy Wyatt is Professor of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, in the Computer Science department at University of Birmingham, where they create algorithms that enable robots to work in uncertain and unfamiliar worlds.With...
Machine Learning Infinite Compute Power for GPU Accelerated Deep Learning NVIDIA have been a pioneer in accelerating deep learning, and have been developing deep learning software, libraries and tools for a number of years. Many of today's deep learning solutions rely on NVIDIA...
Deep Learning Autonomous Drones Navigate Disaster Zones Using Computer Vision With their potential to navigate quickly through unstructured environments and fly through collapsed buildings, autonomous drones are set to play a major role in search-and-rescue and remote-inspection missions, where a fast response is...
Machine Learning Machine Intelligence Summit to Bring Together AI Experts in Berlin The inaugural RE•WORK Machine Intelligence Summit, sponsored by NVIDIA, source{d} and BlueYard, will take place in Berlin on 29-30 June, with over 200 attendees coming together to hear keynote presentations, panel...
Machine Learning Taking the Scenic Route With Deep Learning Can deep learning change the way we interact with our environment? Navigation systems typically assist drivers to find the shortest or fastest path between locations using time or distance as input parameters. However...