Event Highlights Deep Learning and Responsible AI Advancements in Montreal A summary of Day 2 of the hugely successful Deep Learning Summit and Responsible AI Summit in Montreal....
Business Applications Artificial Intelligence Brings Revolution in Digital Marketing Digital marketing itself is a grand invention that has transformed traditional marketing, making it very easy and effective. However, since its outset, there have been several lapses to be taken care of. For...
Business Applications Artificial Intelligence Brings Revolution in Digital Marketing Digital marketing itself is a grand invention that has transformed traditional marketing, making it very easy and effective. However, since its outset, there have been several lapses to be taken care of. For...
Customer Service 3 Lessons Learned From Automating Customer Service With AI Customer service chat automation is one of those areas where already today AI is used to benefit companies. Among large enterprises it is one of the prime targets for automation this year. Virtual...
Neural Networks Top 5 Key Areas: Deep Learning in Retail & Advertising Recent advances in deep learning have enabled research and industry to master many challenges in computer vision and natural language processing that were out of reach until just a few years ago. Yet...
Machine Learning Using AI to Estimate Customer Life Time Value in E-Commerce As deep learning techniques and applications continue to spread across business and society, this technology is now making an impact on retail and advertising. Data mining and deep learning algorithms are applied to...