Ethics Why AI Ethics Matter by Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of AI and ML at WEF Kay Firth-Butterfield, Head of AI & Machine Learning at WEF talks about Why AI Ethics Matter. Watch the video presentation with accompanying transcript....
Generative Models Research Generative Models - Top Videos & New Papers For a model to be "Generative" must fit in a class of statistical models which contrast against discriminative models. Simply, a generative model is one that can generate new data after learning from the dataset. VAE’s & GANs are the most popular types of generative models....
Video Presentations The AI Overview - 5 Influential Presentations Q3 2020 Over the past few days, we have had over fifty experts in the AI space coming together to present on the latest advancements in the financial, insurance, regtech, marketing and retail industries....
GANs 5 Applications of GANs - Video Presentations You Need To See Are GANs the future of Machine Learning? We have collated five technical application presentations from DeepMind, NASA, MIT, Insitro and Université de Montréal to show the current methods utilised in industry....