Fighting AI Bias Artist Gender Representation in Music Streaming Avriel Epps Darling, researcher, entrepreneur and artist talks about her ongoing research on how online machine learning-driven ecologies influence the youth of colour, biasses within the music industry and streaming and more....
AI for Beginners What's the difference between Data Science vs ML vs AI? Today, data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are buzzwords. We hear a lot about them, but what do they stand for? Is there a difference between data science, AI and ML? Are they connected and how?......
Recommendation Systems Fairness in Machine Learning: Recommender Diversity You’ve doubtless come across recommenders before. You’ll certainly have been on the receiving end of a few. The question is, what do they look like on the inside?...
Deep Learning How does Netflix know what movies you'll enjoy? Anoop Deoras, lead researcher at Netflix, explains his research on both shallow and deep latent models to build highly personalized collaborative filtering models - the workhorse of any recommendation they do at Netflix....