The Future of Artificial Intelligent Avatars in Lone Wolf Threat Assessment and Surveillance

As AI impacts the world more and more each day, it is necessary for the Government and the intelligence agencies to get their hands on the latest and advanced research divisions for the compatible future technologies. This is genuinely an ingenious concept which is based on the model known as Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and generally it is called Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA). To advance research and development it is a high risk and high gain kind of approach. There are always the chances of cyber-attacks and terrorist hackings, therefore, there must be a plan in place to be prepared for these kind of threats. This also highlights the importance of our intelligence agencies in being on a ball with accuracy of 100% of time. Our agencies must have their hands on the best possible technologies to defend against criminals in the most effective way.

The internet and social media has brought global citizens under a same roof. Globally, 8 out of 10 homes have internet access and the number of people using smart phones is growing day by day as well as the number of daily subscribers social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. On the basis of ISP address it is easy to figure out the identity of someone along with the social media profile and cell number being used. To assess an individual it is very easy to find out whether they are at risk of any threat.

Although simulation based computers are supposed to collect all the information, as technology advances, threats in this space are becoming a real concern. This means that computers must be optimized cleverly and they must be capable enough to be compatible with the advance threats and dangers to avoid flagging false positives. Whenever a person commits a crime such as hacking or spying, the authorities can look at operational methods such as style of writing to get a clue about the psychology of a person.

As this is the era of AI, it has made things easier by introducing efficient methods of evaluating a closed probability of the 'most wanted' individuals, hence such models are likely to work far better than ordinary computers.

AI based computers are now considered to be the best tactic as far as lone wolf assessment is concerned. Let’s suppose that the toughest type of attacker to locate is a lone wolf, a person who is working isolated or alone gets rare chances of interacting with others and their plans remain secret and unshared. Therefore, such hackers are clever enough and it is almost impossible to get clues from them which would help to locate them, they often share no or a little clue regarding what type of personality they have and this is one of the reasons why it becomes challenging to identify their plans.

In short we can say, it takes labor, and a well-thought-up narrative to reach communication with such mysterious people. At the same time, everyone is connected by the internet, therefore in theory, anyone can be tracked easily. It would be fair to say that we have several potential methods of contacting such people regardless of how isolated they are. It is likely that in the near future AI will be able to contact such people and start conversing with them.

One of the greatest ways to carry out this mission is for the smart PC to filter through the information, including the greater part of the compositions that may have been posted, in light of online media articles, and the majority of the postings on web journals, and long range interpersonal communication pages. This can be quite complicated, the AI is likely to utilize the words of an individual and alter sentences with the help of similar words or synonyms from sources like thesaurus inside the Al software program’s database. With this, the Artificial intelligence based computer would make its way to have a one on one conversation with an individual.

As this happens, the Al computers are likely to fetch data from conversations with anything that person types in his email. Such information is easy to be downloaded inside a database; this can further be added to the words that are collected from the words either written by a person or even spoken during a voice call as long as the listening rights are obtained by agencies. Obviously, all general society data won't require a consent slip. There is also a possibility that such Al systems can correspond with people at regular intervals in order to check out their displacement psychologically or any progressive development in them which enables them to assess whether they are at increased risk of committing any harm or act of violence, the person at different levels will be downgraded if that happens.

At any point when a person moves to an upper level, it often creates an impression that they are in a position to create an act of violence, at this point, humans can intervene with a condition that if there is a potential threat to society or government. With the passage of time, it is expected that we will learn of better methods and techniques to make it ascertain that only few false positives are there.

The moral question here will be, do the local government and the intelligence agencies get the privilege of mass surveillance, and collect data or information about anyone and post it somewhere into a file or either conceal the information in some monster data house. If someone is posting some information in public online, the information stays in public and it can be utilized by anyone for authentic and legitimate reasons.

Author Bio:

Jenn provides ghost writing and ghost editing services and is currently working as a tuition teacher under SmileTutor agency in Singapore.