Reflecting on the first half of 2017

Over the last 6 months, I have had the pleasure of being at most events and meeting some extraordinary people. As an intern, I have been exposed to so many more things than I could have hoped for and reflecting on my time with RE•WORK, it was the attendees, speakers, exhibitors and ultimately the RE•WORK team that have made all the blood, sweat & tears worth it. Looking back at the some of the attendee feedback we received, it’s been a good few months and having the opportunity to be along for the ride has been incredible. My journey at RE•WORK has been the most rewarding and ultimately some of the best months of my life and I’m so excited to see what RE•WORK will be up to next! Don’t take my word for it, our attendees feel the same too!

Deep Learning Summit & Virtual Assistant Summit, San Francisco, 26 & 27 January

Bart Selman, Cornell University: "Extremely well-organized & intellectually stimulating event, with excellent speakers, audience interaction and participation"

Jacob Miller, Circle Computer Resources: "I'm new to DL. Just being able to interact with other attendees and finding my place in DL was highly valuable."

Mariya Yao, "I didn't get a chance to tell you this in person, but the Deep Learning Summit was one of the best organized conferences I'd been to and I cover dozens every year. There was clearly a lot of thoughtfulness to cultivate a diverse range of speakers (very inspiring!)

Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit, London, 28 February & 1 March

Maximilian Waschka, FUSE-AI: “You create a unique atmosphere for networking, have great speakers and a great venue. Also, I like your approach of integrating some feminist ideas into your work”

Arjan Wijnveen, CVEDIA: "We attended the Medical Summit in London the other week and the Deep Learning Summit in SF 2 months ago, both organized by rework. I have nothing but praise for the organizers and can only hope they keep up this level of quality. The events are intimate and efficient and their speakers of good quality. And not to forget the food has also been excellent :) Many thanks to Katie Pollitt and her team!"

Robin Tibor Schirrmeister, University Clinic Freiburg: “Very nicely organized, everything seemed to be on time always, really nice.”

Machine Intelligence Summit & Machine Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles Summit, San Francisco, 23 & 24 March

Bryan Bain, IBM: "The Machine Intelligence Summit provided valuable insight into how deep and machine learning technology is being used by entrepreneurial firms to transform conventional business models.”

Gaurav Kumar Singh, Ford Motors: “The overall experience was great. Gaining insights on what other researchers have been working upon has always been exciting. Networking opportunities were plenty.”

Lex Fridman, MIT: “Perfect mix of perspectives on autonomous vehicles which is one of the most difficult and exciting challenges facing academics, researchers, and engineers today. The speaker backgrounds ranged from philosophy to operations research to deep learning to robotics to policy. I took away a new idea from every talk.”

Deep Learning Summit & Deep Learning in Finance Summit, Singapore, 27 & 28 April

Shubham Jain, “Met a lot of people. Ideas from the talks were very interesting so I’m thinking to now use some of them in my work.”

Panjamaporn Sethjinda, Assumption University of Thailand: “The event provides a fresh view on the on-going experiment and discussion among academicians, practitioners and businesses on the application of technology.”

David Low, “Congratulations and a big thank to you and RE•WORK team for organising the deep learning summit last week. Feedback on topics and speaker lineup is great as I gathered from other participants who attend. I’m honoured to be involved in the summit.”

Deep Learning Summit & Deep Learning in Healthcare Summit, Boston, 25 & 26 May

Joseph Mola, BAE Systems: “I thought the summit was well done. Speakers were very interesting. The setting was very nice too, good food, convenient location, easy parking.”

Jose Dolz, LIVIA ETS: “I want to thank you for the invitation to this event, and congratulate you for all this. I think it is a very nice idea to merge both academic and industrial worlds so that we can share different perspectives and points of view from them.”

Drew Volpe, First Star Ventures: "The Deep Learning summit brings together a fantastic collection of people from diverse areas of the field, from both academia and industry.”

Deep Learning in Finance Summit & Deep Learning in Retail & Advertising Summit, London, 1 & 2 June

Georg Ulrich, Daimler AG: “The value of the event for me was getting insights in the finance industry and current state of leveraging Deep Learning”

Jekaterina Novikova, Edinburgh Centre of Robotics: “I’d like to thank you for the great event you have organised and invited me to. I liked the opportunity to meet many interesting people and listen to some inspiring talks.”

Charbel Fakhry, Université Pierre et Marie Curie: “I would like to personally thank you and the entire RE•WORK team for hosting such an amazing and well organized summit.”

This is only a snapshot of what's been going on the last 6 months, check out more in-depth attendee feedback here: