Exploring the Latest Machine Learning Trends & Techniques

Last month we held our first New York event! The Machine Intelligence Summit explored the latest advancements in AI and machine learning, from the theory of new technologies to their real-world applications.  Over 200 academics, entrepreneurs and industry leaders came together to discuss the latest machine intelligence research, tools and applications, with topics including natural language processing, video analysis, deep learning, personalisation, chatbots, speech recognition and predictive analytics.  The Machine Intelligence Summit included a keynote by Ed Chow from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab, sharing their work on AUDREY, an AI system for first responders. We also heard presentations from MIT, Facebook and Google; a panel discussion on the economic impact of artificial intelligence; a breakout Talent Expo session and startup showcase; as well as talks on the applications of machine intelligence in industries such as healthcare, agriculture, autonomous vehicles, retail and education.  We're now excited to launch the Machine Intelligence Summit in two new locations! The first will take place in San Francisco next March, and the second in Amsterdam in June. Each will also feature an additional track on Autonomous Vehicles.“As computing power has increased exponentially, algorithms can now be run faster than ever before.  Algorithms that were previously too computationally-intensive to be practical for most organizations can now be run quickly in distributed computing environments.  Code that used to take hours or even days to finish running now finishes in a matter of minutes or seconds.  These advancements in computing infrastructure have fundamentally changed the art of the possible when it comes to machine learning.” - Amy Gershkoff, Chief Data Officer, AncestryConfirmed speakers for the Machine Intelligence Summit in San Francisco, on 23-24 March, include:

  • Amy Gershkoff, Chief Data Officer, Ancestry
  • Erik Schmidt, Senior Scientist, Pandora
  • Katherine Livins, Data Scientist, Stitch Fix
  • Mehdi Mirza, PhD Candidate, University of Montreal
  • Stacey Svetlichnaya, Software Development Engineer, Flickr

The summit is a unique opportunity to meet leading academics, industry pioneers, influential technologists and cutting edge startups. Interact with and learn from experts in machine learning, computer vision, IoT, data mining and analytics, and predictive intelligence, and share best practices to advance the impact and opportunities of AI.

For further information and to register, visit the summit website here.

Book before 30 November and you can use our Cyber Monday special offer! Add the discount code CYBER20 for an additional 20% off tickets.