We're keen to support and amplify black students and professionals. We've been following the initiative by Black in Engineering and Black in Computing and wanted to share a few highlights from the Roll Call portion of the movement:
#BiERollCall #BiCRollCall
— Jordan Harrod (@JordanBHarrod) August 24, 2020
Hey Everyone! I’m Jordan, and I’m a third year at @mit_hst working on brain stimulation and machine learning for anesthesia (+ assorted other ML side projects)! I also make videos about AI and algorithms on my YouTube channel. Nice to meet y’all! pic.twitter.com/YLRpAR2sb1
#BICRollCall #BIRRollCAll @BlkInComputing
— Kalesha Bullard (@BullardKalesha) August 26, 2020
Hi. I'm Kalesha, a postdoc @facebookai. I work in multi-agent reinforcement learning, thinking about how agents can learn to communicate. Completed PhD in Computer Science from @gtcomputing, where my focus was human-robot interaction. pic.twitter.com/YHV8YeVOjH
Hi 👋🏾 I'm Devin, a 3rd year CS PhD student @UCBerkeley. I work on AI systems which can learn with less data and quickly adapt to new environments. BS and MS in Electrical Engineering from @Stanford
— Devin Guillory (@databoydg) August 25, 2020
#BiERollCall #BiCRollCall #BlackInEngrComp @BlkInEngineerng pic.twitter.com/8EExm2KBiw
PhD Student UC Merced in Quantitative and Systems Biology.... using DS/ML to find out stuff about viruses 🧬🦠#Bioinformatics #BlackInEngrComp #BiCRollCall #BiERollCall https://t.co/edMVHuAjDm pic.twitter.com/SyOUY5C1ro
— Tyrome Sweet (@Cerebro409) August 26, 2020
#BiERollCall #BiCRollCall I'm Randi Williams, PhD student @MITprg @medialab and I make insanely cute robots so that equally cute kids can learn about AI and embrace their design superpowers pic.twitter.com/Y4vA4586B4
— Randi Williams (@randi_c1) August 25, 2020
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