AI, ML & NLP in Chatbots: Revolutions Age of Sales and Marketing

It is not long ago when we could not take Chatbots seriously for communicating with machines. But for a couple of years, there has been a massive improvement in terms of the capability of machines in learning human interactions, understanding natural human language, and comprehending human intent behind everything said and done. Well, we refer to this new intelligent capability of machines and software programs as artificial intelligence (A.I.). A.I. is the gross term for an array of technologies like Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, etc.

A.I. and these technologies together helped to make human interactions with computer programs smarter and more proactive than ever before. Naturally, digital marketers and eCommerce brands, along with the commercial app developers, were among the first adopters of the new breed of A.I. powered Chatbots that can replace a human conversation with the important and more proactive conversational ability of machines.

Before we explain how A.I., Machine Learning, and NLP can transform marketing and sales, we need to know how modern A.I. based Chatbots work along with some recent statistics.

A.I. Chatbot Implementations: Where Does it Stand?

The popularity of A.I. Chatbots are steadily increasing, and the following statistics give us some ideas about this.

  • According to a recent study, it has been found that a whopping 40% of big enterprises have already implemented A.I. Chatbots in some form or other or are planning to do so within this year.
  • 46% of study respondents said that they use NLP for voice to text dictation while another 14% use this for multilingual customer services, and 10% of respondents said that they use NLP for data analytics purposes.

How Chatbot and A.I. Chatbots Really Work?

Chatbots are software applications with conversational ability to communicate with human beings. While Chatbots running on preset rules and answers only can give reply to specific questions without much room to understand the human intent and answer questions accordingly, the intelligent A.I. based Chatbots can actually understand the human purpose in real-time and can answer human questions as per the context.

Examples of Intelligent Chatbots Based on A.I., Machine Learning and NLP

Over the years, Chatbots went through several phases of evolution. Starting from the ELIZA that by pattern matching and substitution method could simulate conversation to Chatbot like PARRY which was created decades ago to have a discussion with patients suffering from schizophrenia to the more advanced Jabberwacky that used contextual pattern matching, there have been several milestones in the development of modern Chatbots.

The modern breakthrough in recent memory was brought to us by the virtual bot of Apple called Siri. Created by Apple for its iOS ecosystem in 2010, it used an intelligent learning navigator besides using a natural language U.I. In many ways, it was the first predecessor of the modern smart Chatbots. Following Siri, Google Now was launched, followed by Microsoft Cortana and Amazon Alexa in the successive years.

While so much of innovations already have taken place with intelligent Chatbots, it is time to ask the question we are here for. How can these smart Chatbots add value to our marketing and sales?

  • A.I. powered Chatbots gave enterprises the most credible option to offer quick and proactive customer service without investing a fortune on a customer support team.
  • Thanks to A.I. powered Chatbots; businesses can be accessible for help and guidance to the customers throughout the days and nights all year round.
  • Intelligent Chatbots opened great opportunities to customize the communication and responses with specific context-aware aspects. A customer is served and recommended the products and services that he is looking for.
  • The image and voice processing further helped to extend the communication with customers beyond text messages. By allowing customers to communicate through scanned images, customer authentication also became easier for many leading apps. Voice recognition capability further enhanced such a quick evaluation process.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) us helping enterprises to decipher customer intent in communication and conversation better than ever before. Thanks to NLP, the deviations in the choice of words and search terms no longer leave any scope of misunderstanding on the part of businesses.
  • Machine Learning, on the other hand, is constantly helping computer programs to learn about individual interactions and intent. Thanks to Machine Learning, the Intelligent Chatbots can reply to queries in a more context-aware manner than ever before.
  • The A.I. powered user data analytics, and Machine Learning inputs together are helping Chatbot algorithms to make more detailed customer profiles required to make recommendations and suggestions that boost sales conversion.
  • The advancement in computer processing and network capability is further proving to be useful for the modern intelligent Chatbots as they need more significant processing power than earlier now.
  • Thanks to intelligent Chatbots, enterprises now can stay at the very crux of hi-tech evolution. With intelligent Chatbots working day and night to push your sales and make your customer experience better, your business is likely to get a bigger share of innovations than your competitors.  


A.I., Machine Learning, and Natural Language Processing, the holy trinity of the intelligent technologies are prominent g the way for smarter customer communication through Chatbots. These three technologies are finding their closest and most useful alley in Chatbots because the Machine conversation for years has been the most challenging area to deal with the multifaceted, multi-dimensional, and polyphonic character of human communication that knows no boundaries when it is about incorporating meanings and inferences.

Author Bio

Nathan McKinley is Business Development Manager at Cerdonis Technologies LLC - mobile app development company in USA with the latest technologies like AI, ML & NLP practices in the ChatBot development process to create flawless designs and user-friendly functionality for the consumers. From 5+Years in Marketing filed as a Business Developer, he has developed a passion to write and share some good informative insights into the latest tech updates to utilize as a mobile app development studio.