Although voice search is on the rise, it is still by no means the primary way that people conduct searches on PCs and mobile devices. At the moment, it just seems to be a tool that can be pretty convenient when you are in a hurry or can’t use your hands to type out a question.

Seo Tribunal recently did an interesting infographic which shows that 52% of people use voice search while driving.

Although voice search seems to spring up out of nowhere, it is by no means a new invention. In fact, it’s been around for some time now. For example, during the holiday season in 2016, Amazon’s best-selling product was Echo, a voice-enabled smart speaker that utilizes voice search technology.

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For those that are into voice search, there are a few different devices on the market that can be used in addition to Echo. For example, there is Siri installed on the iPhone, Cortana on Microsoft’s devices, and Google Home.

The reality is, more people are now using voice search than ever before. As a matter of fact, since 2013, the number of voice search queries has steadily been on the rise.

The most likely reason for this rise is pure convenience. The buttons on smartphones are small, and your hands might be too busy to type a query. With voice search, however, you just have to speak to your smart device, and it will give you an answer, set a reminder, make an appointment, etc.

As a business, you need to understand the different types of voice search a little better to get the most out of them. One example of this is “micro-moments.”

A micro-moment can be described as a way of framing a customer’s pathway to making a purchase. Essentially, the micro-moment happens when a user reflexively turns to a device, which is usually a mobile device, to fulfill an immediate need.

Google defines these moments as the “I want to know” or the “I want to buy” moments. These are the types of moments that are packed with conversion potential and the ones that you want to be paying attention to. If you can target these people during such moments, then you could get your conversion rate to be better than ever.

In these moments, consumers are more receptive to marketing messages, as they are seeking to address a need at that moment. Therefore, marketers should consider this when optimizing their content for mobile devices.

To find out more about how you can use voice search to your advantage, take a look at this informative infographic packed with information on how voice search can help your business.